Collection of good practices „How to promote health and boost cross-sectoral cooperation using the example of nine cities“
Collection of good practices
Healthy Boost Project had nine cities contributing to testing the Model for Cross-Sectoral Cooperation carrying out local pilot projects. As a result Healthy Boost can present you a collection of good practices "How to promote health and boost cross-sectoral cooperation using the example of nine cities"
How to handle complex health problems of our time if local authorities seem to lack of sufficient resources or tools? Unhealthy lifestyle challenges cannot be solved by health and wellbeing sector employees alone. The key lies in an effective cooperation with other sectors and it can be boosted by using the Model for Cross Sectoral Cooperation as a guidance tool throughout the health related project. The Model is a set of questions to help stakeholders to plan more participative practices and successfully actualise them.
Nine municipalities from six countries have tested the Model as a tool for carrying out their pilot project and evaluated their successes and failures in the project. The Model was used regularly in different ways, depending on state of pilot projects, challenges and perceptible success. The main task for carrying out pilot project activities was to test the model in action and improve the Model according to feedback of piloting cities and partners. Also to collect the good practices, to reach realization of success and learn from engaging city residents and SMEs.
The collection of good practices will give municipalities an extra value to share their experience in learnings, highlighting successes and failures. Consisting ideas for local governments how to tackle challenges and boost cross-sectoral cooperation it will have potential to inspire each other for greater purpos. The collection of good practices will be soon presented in 7 more languages.