The Healthy Boost project has entered its final phase

On 21 October this year, researchers in the Healthy Boost project from the Institute of Public Health (Riga Stradiņš University) had a meeting with Uldis Mitenbergs, a Head of Country Office Latvia at World Health Organization, and health promotion experts from the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 

Prof. Anita Villeruša, the Healthy Boost project leader from the Riga Stradiņš University, introduced the project aims and presented a developed Model for cross-sectoral collaboration. The Model developed by RSU researchers has been based on a scientific literature review and the self-assessment performed in the project cities. The Model has been used to promote cross-sectoral cooperation and tested by the project partners - the nine municipalities, through various health-promoting pilot projects for citizens. Furthermore, the municipalities' experience with the Model use was evaluated with developed tools for the evaluation by other project partners Nöfer Institute of Occupational Medicine and Västerbotten County Council. Finally, feedback, comments, and suggestions based on the evaluation reports were incorporated by refining and finalising the Model. 

Both Uldis Mitenbergs, Head of Country Office Latvia at World Health Organization and Ilze Straume, Head of the Health Promotion Department of the Centre for Disease and Prevention Control, praised the work done within the project. In addition, the need to improve the practice of cross-sectoral cooperation when implementing health promotion projects in Latvia was discussed. 

At the end of the meetings, it was decided and agreed to promote the Model for cross-sectoral cooperation in the National Network of Municipalities Promoting Health in Latvia.
The project "Healthy Boost" has entered its final phase, and the closing conference is scheduled for 16 November from 9 am to 3 pm.

More information about the Healthy Boost closing conference.

Zoom meeting in progress.