
Tartu tested a new concept of universal sportsground information board

Tartu started developing accessible sportsground information board on autumn 2020. New concept of information board allows citizens with or without any sports awareness learn how to work out independently on training spot. Sports information boards will be freely accessible to everyone, as the boards will be established at public outdoor gyms.

Outdoor gyms invite you to exercise through a new app in Tartu

The smartphone app shows outdoor gym locations and their exercise equipment in Tartu and also offers video tips on how to exercise using the most popular equipment.

This new smartphone app has been developed as part of the Healthy Boost cooperation project, one of whose aims is to apply virtual reality and augmented reality for the promotion of healthy activities. The app uses augmented reality to offer a truly fresh user experience.

Inclusive sport ground information board in Tartu

Information board with embossed text and images depicting different exercises

Tartu is developing an inclusive sport ground information board together with physiotherapists, designers and experts representing people who use wheelchairs or are visually impaired or blind.

The information board is meant for everyone no matter the age or physical ability. Thus it should invite to train those people who are not that familiar with training or are just starting to be more active.

Walk and Talk – Ideas for outdoor meetings

Tartu has established a Facebook page "Kõnni ja Kõnele" (Walk and talk) where people can share their experiences of outdoor meetings.

Actually, not only about outdoor meetings, but all good ideas how to make a working day more active, what is happening in the city that could be useful for physical activity or mental wellbeing, challenges that make people want to be more active, TedX talks or books to read etc.